Definitely! You were their cheerleader all the way through school and they will never stop appreciating your support. Senior rugby takes on many interesting forms and is a huge social event.
There are a number of different challenges that will face your child in their 20s and beyond. One of the things that can be a foundation for them to count on is their relationship with you and their relationship with the game.
The opportunities don’t dry up after school in terms of rugby, they actually increase.

The world will always need more passionate rugby coaches, rugby administrators, match officials, players and supporters.
It opens up a world where their knowledge can be passed on to a whole new generation. For you, as a parent, there are also numerous non-playing opportunities to continue enjoying rugby.
Where should you get involved with senior rugby?
If you get involved in rugby at this level as a parent there are countless new opportunities. This can be as a supporter, coach of younger players at the club or in rugby administration.
World Rugby offers a wealth of free training material that you can work through online to improve your knowledge of various aspects of the game.
This ranges from player safety to the rules of the game. There are also numerous courses available at small fees (to play the trainers/facilitators) that cover specific levels of coaching, refereeing, administration and first aid.
Helping to shape the next generation of rugby players
As a parent, you know what difference rugby made in your child’s live… or where it could have been done better.
I encourage you as a parent of a current or former player to help contribute to your local club or school at least as a supporter, but if you get the chance to help grow the game.