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Rugby Skills
rugby player roles
catching and passing
tackling and defense
set plays
loose play
bringing it all together
As a coach
players younger than 8
players aged 8 to 11
players aged 11 to 14
players aged 14 to 18
players aged 18 to 21
players over 21
with a full squad
without a full squad
prepare a practice plan
preparing a game plan
breaking a losing streak
with limited equipment
under pressure
inexperienced players
As a player
rugby player roles
training on my own
training with one friend
training in a small group
training in a large group
strength & conditioning
nutrition & supplements
bursaries at universities
playing at the next level
As a parent
players younger than 8
players aged 8 to 11
players aged 11 to 14
players aged 14 to 18
players aged 18 to 21
players over 21
strength & conditioning
nutrition & supplements
Teams & Players
About Us
Rugby Blog
Short lineout